
Chili Peppers

Chili Peppers

The ingredient

Chilis are slender, pointed pods that range from bright green to deep red when ripe. They have a hot, sharp taste and are a staple in many cuisines for adding heat and flavor. Capsaicin, the compound that gives chilis their heat, is also used medicinally as a topical analgesic.

The benefits

Chili pepper stimulates digestion and metabolism, making it useful in Ayurveda for increasing digestive power and reducing kapha (earth and water) dosha (energy or substance) accumulation. It also helps in detoxifying the body. Some research studies have supported possible benefits of chili peppers including:

  • Supports weight loss by reducing appetite
  • Clears congestion and fights sinus infections
  • Despite the burn, can help with pain relief


We use chili peppers in many of our dishes, including: